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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

go back.stay.future

Assalamualaikum girls and guys.

post kali ni nak membebelkan kesinambungan dari sini. yeah, kemungkinan besar aku akan pilih equation number 1, but no one knows until the time is arrive. isn’t it? right bebeh. act, mende yang buat aku tak sampai ati nak leave it(2) is how interesting life as masscommers! yeah, no doubt. so, why I’m gonna take it(1)? that’s the Q.

i’m thinking for the future. something that we can’t predict at all. and please, i do not mean that being a masscommers have no bright future. any courses have their own pro and cons. but when everyone going to say something that have assured future and less risks…

it is true that if i take it(1), i will have not worry of being jobless. study and practical at the same time for 3 years then if pass, go posting to any government clinics or hospitals. is it sound simple? life is simple, don’t make it complicated. ;)

orait, what if i take it(2)? i’ll enjoy my life as a masscommers to the fullest. no doubt. but still, life is not just for laughing. eventhough i’m craving for being a television presenter, we have to be realistic. it is not that easy and i don’t want to put a hope for something that doesn’t have assurance.

ehh, asal dah 3 setengah perenggan aku gune bahase pencicah penjajah ni. huahuahuahuahuahua. eleh, cakap je lah dah tergeliat lidah tu tiap kali menaip tiap-tiap huruf. hahahahaha

banyak momen-momen, saat-saat indah dan tak indah yang akan aku kenang sebagai masscommers KALAU aku tinggalkan uitm nanti. still nampak kan betape tak rela nye aku nak tinggalkan uitm?! mende-mende yang name nye kenangan terindah tu mesti bangge aku nak nyanyi cerite kat anak cucu kelak. kahkahkahkah

yaaaaawwwwwwww, how havoc life as a masscommers? hahahahaha. first lesson, bace ngan nada bangge sebab ia ditulis ngan nada bangge. i admit, being a masscommers tambah-tambah as a majority kat uitm membuatkan diorang kitaorang giler glamor and tak ambik port langsung orang lain budak course lain nak cakap ape. seriously. but it is not that bad, masscommers just love to enjoy life with our own ways. don’t too mind about others opinion.

oopppsss, kembali ke bahase nenda sekalian. merah = meyerlah, rite? ;D

hamik kau. aku google gambau red blood cell nih. ;p

kaler merah ni memang dah sinonim ngan masscomm. yelah kan, baju komed pun warne merah. baju course lain sumer tak menyerlah bagai, masscomm nak menyerlah bagai je tau. hahahahaha. kalau buat masscomm’s events, havoc nye cam uitm nye event. mane tak nye, annual grand meeting pun ade red carpet. korang mampu?? hawauhawauhawauhawau

okay, roll back the films. time MDS (minggu destini siswa) lagi dah dapat dikesan mane budak masscomm. asal tanye je mesti bagi respon memang baik punye. sampaikan kolej aku kene blacklist sebab paling bising time MDS. then respon seniorita-seniorita ialah, ”patut la kolej (err, name kolej terpakse dirahsiekan ;p) bising sangat, majority budak masscomm. heh, sampai macam tu sekali. tapi, masscomm masih tidak goyah dengan statement sebegitu rupe. malahan bangge lagi ade la. wahahahahahahaha.

homaigod! banyak sangat citer momen indah ngan tak indah nak share-share ni. huuhh, ade ke orang nak bace citer tak indah? jangan indah kabar dari rupe sudahhh. -_-'

will be right back ♥


  1. Ya, saat lama kalau dikenang akan terasa manis sampai bila-bila..

  2. kan? sentiase jadi kenangan manis dalam ingatan ;)

  3. woaaa...lekat dalam ingatan. heheh

    Jangan lupa Vote Momoy yer No. 382 - pilihan 10
    Much thx
    Undi No. 382 sekarang yer!!

  4. hahahha cmbest jer kalau dpt coursemate sume yg sporting2 owh ;D

    eh btw masscomm tu course ap? o.O"

  5. memang best ;)
    masscomm stands for communication & media studies <,<


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